Welcome to my new website …

It’s taken far too long, and it’s far from finished, but it’s been a very busy time: a house move, a lot of work to do on the new house, a damaged knee and a couple of other annoying health issues! But it’s great to be back, and I hope I’ve not lost too many friends while I’ve only had a partial service. Old friends will find much familiar content, but there will also be some new subject matter and features – all in a cleaner, fresher presentation. And I hope newcomers will find a lot to enjoy. I will be adding more as quickly as I can, so please visit regularly.

That’s my shadow in the picture, getting in the way of an early morning shot I wanted through a gateway - so I made it into my logo. The two images below show the view through that gateway, and from the top of the hill (Cronkley Fell) on the extreme left of that view - and they show why I love living where I do!

It’s been 15 years since I bought my original house in Teesdale, and Teesdale’s where I’ve spent most of my time. But I plan to branch out more in 2025. My daughter has a lovely campsite in Devon, and travelling between the North East and South West puts most of England and Wales within range – and I’m only just over an hour from Scotland. So there’ll be a lot of great pictures from new locations over the next few months and years!

So please join me on the journeys ahead! There will be an occasional newsletter (becoming more frequent over time) - and there will be special offers and some freebies! So please do check in from time to time, follow me on social media or ping me an email (the links are in the header and footer). And thanks for looking now!

